A very warm welcome to all our new families, and to all our previously enrolled families.
We are enjoying Term 4 with our students and love to see their progress in the pool as always!
Term 4 ends Sunday, 10th December 2023
Waterwise Swim School Under New Management
Welcome to our new owners, Rob and Mick Palfery. Both bring a wealth of swimming knowledge and coaching experience from the past 20 years.
Rob has coached junior swimmers from the age of 8, all the way through to having swimmers on Junior Australian Representative teams, and is part of the Australian Flippers Coaching Group.
Mick has been coaching since he retired from competitive swimming 20 years ago, and has worked with all levels and had swimmers who’ve medaled on the Australian Team for the past 3 Olympics.
‘We are both very excited to be part of Waterwise. We look forward to meeting everyone and continuing on the swimming journey with you.
We would like to thank Stacy, Wendy and Brian for their support and continuing to be involved throughout term 4 and into the future.’ – Rob

New Staff
Our Team is continually growing and we’d like to welcome the newest staff members. You may have already seen them in the pool or at the desk. We are excited about their willingness to grow and learn with their already established knowledge about swimming.
Jemima is teaching with us at both Canning Vale and Willetton and managing the Swim School
Taryn has returned from Maternity Leave and is instructing at Canning Vale on Sundays
Grace is teaching at Canning Vale
Paris is teaching at Canning Vale
Caitlyn is our new weekday morning receptionist at Willetton
New Classes Added To Timetable
Great News! We have added new sessions of swimming lessons for Babies and Pre-Schoolers on Thursday mornings at Canning Vale with Jessica.
We have also added sessions on Monday morning at Willetton with Ashlyn and Tuesday morning at Willetton with Rashmi
To enrol at Canning Vale or change days, please phone 0402 987 625 or email cv@waterwiseperth.com
To enrol at Willetton or to change days, please phone 0420 780 155 or email info@waterwiseperth.com
Term 4 is extremely busy with very few spots vacant for Makeups. Please remember:
To be eligible for a makeup, a minimum of 3 hours’ notice is required.
Don’t miss a lesson unless your child is too sick to swim.
We cannot guarantee makeups but will always do our best to help your family find a spot.
Makeups can only be used in a term in which you are currently enrolled.
The trick is to keep checking the Customer Portal several times a day – right up until an hour or two before lessons as we do sometimes get very late notice.
Willetton Customer Portal Link: CLICK HERE
Canning Vale Customer Portal Link: CLICK HERE
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Our App & Customer Portal
Swim School App:
The App is used sparingly (we won’t spam you!) for short, important messages that need to go to every family, for example reminders of Term dates. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, search “Waterwise Swim School” in i-tunes App Store or Google Play. Please make sure you have notifications enabled!
Customer Portal:
The Customer Portal is where you can check all your enrolment details, notify us of an absence (so long as it is more than 3 hours before your scheduled lesson time), and where you can book makeups. There is a tab linking to the Customer Portal in the App.
Free Lessons!
We appreciate our Waterwise families and love seeing new faces. By referring a new family to our program you will receive a credit to the value of a lesson ($24) towards your swim fees for every referral enrolled through you. No limits!
Please make sure anyone you refer remembers to mention your name! –